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Labor Day is Almost Here!

A pie with a lattice pattern sits on a red-checkered table cloth at a Retro Town Fair competition
A gorgeous pie entered into a previous RTF

We hope many of you will join us over Labor Day weekend at the Museum. We have a variety of fun events planned!

On Saturday, August 31, starting at 9 a.m., the Museum house will be the starting point for a Bricks and Blocks Walking Tour. This tour will highlight historic Greenbelt’s domestic architecture, the “brick and block” homes that make up the majority of the original planned community. The guide will show the walkers how to “read” the brick and block homes. The tour will feature spots of historic interest that have not been featured on previous walking tours. The Bricks and Blocks tour leaves from the Greenbelt Museum at 10-B Crescent Road and takes approximately two hours, including the Museum’s orientation film. Pre-registration is required via Eventbrite. Dress for walking outdoors. The tours will not be conducted in thunder/lightning storms or if the temperature is above 95 degrees.

On Sunday, September 1, join us for the Retro Town Fair (RTF)! This event is much like those the the earliest Greenbelters enjoyed starting in 1939. Ribbons will be awarded for the best entries in a number of categories including flowers, vegetables, baked goods, canned goods and needlework/sewing. Entries will be accepted from 10 to 11:30am and the winners displayed from 1 to 4pm. All items must be picked up between 4 and 5pm. Questions can be sent to

Also on Sunday, the Museum house will open for short tours from1 to 5pm and Monday right after the parade from 12 noon to 2pm. The regular, longer format tours will not be offered, but visitors can take a peek to see how a typical Greenbelt family would have lived in the late 1930s to the early 1950s. Free!

See you at the fair!

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