Museums For All Program

The Greenbelt Museum is participating in Museums for All!
The program supports those receiving food assistance (SNAP) benefits visiting the Greenbelt Museum Historic House at 10B Crescent for free up to four people with the presentation of a SNAP Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card. Similar free and reduced admission is available to eligible members of the public at more than 250 museums across the country. Museums for All is part of the Greenbelt Museum’s broad commitment to seek, include, and welcome all audiences.
The Greenbelt Museum joined Museums for All, a signature access program of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), administered by the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM), to encourage people of all backgrounds to visit museums regularly and build lifelong museum-going habits. The Greenbelt Museum felt that it is in the spirit of Greenbelt—one of community and cooperation—that all families should have an opportunity to visit the Historic House.
Museums for All helps expand access to museums and also raise public awareness about how museums in the U.S. are reaching their entire communities. More than 250 institutions participate in the initiative, including art museums, children’s museums, science centers, botanical gardens, zoos, history museums, and more. Participating museums are located nationwide, representing more than 40 states.
Come visit the Historic House on Sundays and see our 1937 New Deal era gem for yourself. We're kid-friendly (no ropes! Please touch gently!) Don't forget to stop by our shop for retro and unique gifts. You can also enjoy our free exhibit in the Greenbelt Community Center and stroll through our historic community and discover what makes it so special.
See you soon!