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About Us

The Greenbelt Museum provides a gateway to the rich history and living legacy of Greenbelt, Maryland, an experimental cooperative community created in 1937 by Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal administration. Greenbelt, now a National Historic Landmark, was designed as a garden suburb that would be a model of modern town planning and cooperative living in America. The Museum offers tours of an original historic home, exhibits, public programs, educational programs for children, and walking tours of the historic town to visitors and the community. The Greenbelt Museum also sponsors a quarterly lecture series that is free and open to all. The lectures explore aspects of the history of the Great Depression and World War II era. 


The Greenbelt Museum is owned and operated by the City of Greenbelt. The Museum is supported by the Friends of the Greenbelt  Museum, a nonprofit 501c-3 organization, which relies on its member and donors. The museum was founded by a dedicated group of volunteers and opened in October 1987 on the occasion of the city’s 50th Anniversary. 2020 marks our 33rd year!


We are a community museum that provides gateways to the New Deal history and living legacy of Greenbelt, Maryland. The Greenbelt Museum inspires residents, students and visitors to explore this planned cooperative community.



We envision a cooperative society that is inspired and empowered by its awareness of history and uses its knowledge of the past to shape the future.


Megan Searing Young

Museum Director





Sheila Maffay-Tuthill

Education and Volunteer Coordinator







Friends of the Greenbelt Museum

The Friends of the Greenbelt Museum is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that supports the Greenbelt Museum. Join FOGM and receive free admission to the historic house, invitations to lectures, and exhibition openings, a quarterly newsletter, The Utopian, and know that you are helping to preserve an important piece of both Maryland and U.S. history.  Memberships start at just $35.  Join securely online at!  

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