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FOGM Needs Your Help!

Two young children hang washing on a line at the Museum grounds.
Young Museum visitors try a hands-on activity - washing on n washboards, wringing dry, and hanging laundry.

FOGM, the non-profit organization that supports the Museum, needs your help. The organization did not make fundraising appeals during the past couple of years, but throughout that time, FOGM continued to support the Museum in a variety of ways. The Museum is owned and operated by the City of Greenbelt, but FOGM provides honoraria for speakers, underwrites special events like Greenbelt Day weekend and Retro Town Fair, supports the Museum's participation in the Labor Day parade, and much more. FOGM is also spearheading planning and fundraising for the 10A Education and Visitor Center. Did you know that FOGM has its own mission statement distinct from the Museum's? See below! In recent years, in addition to the events listed above, FOGM has made possible lectures on the following topics:

- Historic Maryland Cookbooks - Women of World War II - Saving Black History Sites - Exploring Greenbelt's Pride Movement - The North End: Exploring Greenbelt's Pride Movement - How the New Deal Transformed Greater Washington - Desegregating Greenbelt Now we need your help to make FOGM's end of year fundraising successful! Your gift will help us fulfill both the Museum's and FOGM's missions so that we can continue to provide you and this community with high quality educational programming, special events, and more. If your budget allows, we would welcome your donation via our secure online form. If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Friends of the Greenbelt Museum and mail to FOGM, PO Box 1025, Greenbelt, MD 20768. Thank you so much for your ongoing support!


The mission of the Friends of the Greenbelt Museum (FOGM), a 501(c)(3) organization, is to support, advise, and advocate for the Greenbelt Museum and its programs. FOGM helps support the Museum through focused fundraising initiatives and takes an active role in the stewardship of the Museum's buildings, collections, and grounds, by providing expert advice and informed advocacy.

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