The Greenbelt Labor Day Festival (Aug 31 - Sept. 2) is always a great time for us to open the Historic House for free tours and show off not only our little gem of a house, but also our New Deal community with walking tours. Visitors started off their tour viewing a short film about the history of Greenbelt in 10A Crescent...

In addition to tours, we also held our annual Retro Town Fair, which was a hit! Held on the grounds of the Historic House at 10B Crescent, our Retro Town Fair is much like those the earliest Greenbelters enjoyed starting in 1939.

Ribbons are awarded for the best entries in a number of categories: flowers, vegetables, baked goods, canned goods and needlework/sewing. You can see a gallery and list of this year's winners here. We also have a "Legacy" handcraft category welcoming items that are heirloom handcrafts made by an entrant, or by a family member, more than 10 years ago. Legacy items are displayed inside 10A Crescent and are not judged as they are exhibit only. Thank you to all of our participants this year and we'd also like to thank all of our visitors and volunteers for helping to make this Labor Day Festival a success. See you again next year!