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Labor Day is Almost Here!

Megan Searing Young

The Annual Greenbelt Labor Day Festival is this weekend. There's always a lot to see and do, but we hope you'll have a chance to include the Museum in your Labor Day plans! The Museum's activities over the weekend are below. Click here to see the complete Greenbelt Labor Day Festival Schedule.

North End Walking Tour

Saturday, September 3, 9am

Join us for a free walking tour of Greenbelt's fascinating North End. Space is limited and you must pre-register via Eventbrite. The tour leaves from the parking lot of the Greenbelt Elementary School. In the event of inclement weather, you'll be notified via Eventbrite.

Retro Town Fair

Sunday, September 4, 1-4pm

Our Retro Town Fair is much like those the earliest Greenbelters enjoyed starting in 1939. Ribbons will be awarded for the best entries in a number of categories, including flowers, vegetables, baked goods, canned goods, and needlework/sewing. Entries accepted 10-11:30am. Winners on display 1-4pm. All items must be picked up between 4-5pm. All of the information you'll need and to enter is on our entry form. Click here or on the photo above.

Historic House Tours

Sunday, September 4, 2-4pm

Come by for a quick house tour! The Museum house is open for short tours in conjunction with the Retro Town Fair. We often have a lot of people coming through, so we can't do our regular longer format tours, but you can take a peek to see how a typical Greenbelt family would have lived in the late 30s to the early 50s. Free!

Labor Day Parade

Monday, September 5, 10-12pm

The Museum is participating in the Annual Labor Day Parade this year. Keep an eye out for us as we promote our plans for the Education and Visitor Center at 10A Crescent. (We'll have candy, too!)

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