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Archivists at the Greenbelt Museum

Two archivists from the National Archives, Malvina Bardoni and Nate Cross, have been volunteering to help process our collections during the current government shutdown. They found us through the Maryland Museums Association website and gave us a call to ask if we might need the help of archivists. Of course we said "Yes!" Director Megan Searing Young said that she felt like she won the lottery to have such highly trained volunteers come in to help us out.

They came by to see our archive and talk about the work that they could do and ended up working that same day. They ended up assisting with a backlog of documents, pamphlets, newspapers and other ephemera that needed to be added to our existing archives. They also updated our finding aid. In a Facebook message to us, the Archivist of the United States (AOTUS) David Ferriero said "To a person, NARA staff have a passion for the work."

The Greenbelt Museum maintains a professional archive comprised of records covering 1937 to the present day, with the bulk of our records ranging from the late-1930s to late-1950s. At the present time, the archive is accessible by appointment only, but this will change once the Museum has completed our expansion to 10A Crescent Road. To make an inquiry or an appointment, please email Megan Searing Young, Museum Director, at


​Thank you both so much for your assistance with this project! It is appreciated very much!

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