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Celebrate Labor Day with the Greenbelt Museum!

Walking Tour

Saturday, September 1, 9am 


Take a free history-filled walking tour. The tour will leave from the museum’s historic house at 10-B Crescent Road. Learn about Greenbelt’s unique design and why the community is a National Historic Landmark.  The tour is free but space is limited and will leave promptly at 9am. Please note: in the event of inclement weather, the tour will be cancelled. 


Saturday, Sept. 1

Meet at the Museum

Saturday, September 1, Noon-4pm

10B Crescent Rd.



Take a break from the festivities and tell your friends to meet you at the shady grounds the Greenbelt Museum Historic House! Relax, reconnect, and reminisce! Share photos and memories and meet other Greenbelt residents--old and new. You can also take a quick tour of the Historic House and find a special gift in our shop!

Sunday, Sept. 2

Historic House Tour

Sunday, September 2, 1pm - 5pm

10B Crescent Rd.


The Historic House will be open for FREE! Take a peek into life in Greenbelt during the 1930s New Deal era.


Stop by and see it for yourself and maybe find something special in our gift shop!

Retro Town Fair

Sunday, September 2, 2pm-4pm

10B Crescent Rd.


The Retro Town Fair is BACK and in a new location! The Fair will take place on the grounds of the Museum house at 10B Crescent. Our Retro Town Fair is much like those the earliest Greenbelters enjoyed starting in 1939. Ribbons will be awarded for the best entries in a number of categories: flowers, vegetables, baked goods, canned goods and needlework/sewing. Entries accepted 10am-11:30am and must be accompanied by a completed submission form. Entries will be on display from 1-4pm. All items must be picked up between 4-5pm. Questions? Please email or call Education and Volunteer Coordinator, Sheila Maffay-Tuthill at or 240-542-2064.

This event will go on rain or shine!



Print and fill out your Retro Fair entry form HERE and bring it with you! 

Retro Town Fair 2018 info

Monday, Sept. 3

Historic House Tours

Monday, September 3, 11am - 2pm

10B Crescent Rd.


Immediately following the parade, stop by the Museum house for a free tour. The Historic House will be open free of charge! 



Museum Exhibit: “The Knowing Hands That Carve This Stone:  The New Deal Art of Lenore Thomas Straus”


Monday-Saturday 9am-10pm

Sunday 9am-7pm.

Greenbelt Community Center, 1st floor

15 Crescent Rd.


Visit our ongoing exhibit on display in the Museum Gallery in the Community Center.

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