Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s immense legacy is is acknowledged with a national holiday this Monday. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has put together a cool "virtual road trip" to encourage exploration of the many historic sites and areas associated with his life. Greenbelters are fortunate in that DC and the actual MLK memorial are close by, but many of the other sites are further away. Take a look to learn more, click here to visit the virtual road trip.
One of the most interesting sections of the tour is the last entry which discusses street murals of MLK. From the Trust site: "Half a century after his assassination, Dr. King remains a popular subject of street art in America’s black and low-income urban neighborhoods. Since the 1970s, photographer Camilo Jose Vergara has documented hand-painted images of the civil rights leader in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Detroit, among other places." To learn more about Camilo Jose Vergara's documentation of these murals, click here.